«Our world changed a lot, and even thousands of Santas would come this Christmas they will be not able to make all children and lonely adults smile.
Please imagine, when every person finds someone to feel happier this Christmas, the magic will be back, otherwise, soon it will disappear or stay in the corner like a little girl with matches from Andersen's fairytale.
It might be even a beautiful, surprising postcard with warm wishes...
If you know such people, let me know on priv, and together with Ulla we may help Santa Claus
Iwona Lifsches Artwork/FB
Num tempo de preocupante descaracterização do espírito e simbolismo desta quadra, o Natal, tomei a liberdade de partilhar, aqui, este apelo da própria artista Iwona Lifsches atendendo à pureza, carinho, generosidade e espírito solidário que o seu gesto e a sua pessoa revelam.