Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Simon Wiesenthal perigo concentração Poder. Mostrar todas as mensagens
Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Simon Wiesenthal perigo concentração Poder. Mostrar todas as mensagens

Simon Wiesenthal, o perigo da concentração de Poder

 "All this is reminiscent of the backlash against globalisation in the 1930s, a process chronicled by Harold James, a Princeton historian, in The End of Globalisation.
Mr James showed how surging protectionism in the 1930s went hand-in-hand with a rise in radical ideologies and a drift to war. 
He thinks it “highly likely” that today’s “de-globalisation” will also culminate in war."
in Financial Times (Out. 2018)

"The TRUTH About Ngozi Fulani: Meghan Markle's ...", uma perspectiva a considerar

  Uma análise de conteúdo inteligente, clara e desmistificadora do que pode ter acontecido e, provavelmente, aconteceu.