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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Urina. Mostrar todas as mensagens

Urina, esse miraculoso fertilizante!...


" ... The first catalyst for major positive change in my life happened in 1977. By that time I had moved out of the house where my marriage broke apart and into a cozy little cottage in a clearing in the woods.Here I made the first of many startling discoveries that led me to believe that the situation for humanity and other life on Earth is anything but hopeless. To some it may seem inappropriate and shocking to start out the list of these discoveries with a story about urine, but this is indeed how I first awoke to the fact that there may be ways of living sustainably. It truly surprised me when I discovered that this substance, so taboo and polluting in our society, is actually an excellent fertilizer. "You're-in-charge" began to put me in charge of my destiny. This simple little cottage had no indoor plumbing and for the first year not even an outhouse. For peeing we usually stayed in the cottage, using a pot designated for this purpose, a technology ubiquitous in all sectors of society until so recently. Knowing that dog urine can kill grass and bushes, we disposed of our urine by first diluting it with water, about 1:10, then tossing it out here and there in order to avoid any damage and odors. It never did smell, but I was in no way prepared for what followed when spring burst forth after that first winter. The first indication was from the wild lilies-of-the-valley that soon carpeted the forest floor. Here and there were patches of significantly healthier and larger plants. Then there was the little stunted bleeding-heart plant I had adopted and planted the previous fall. It quickly grew into an exceptionally large and splendid specimen which was amazing enough, but I really began to wonder what was going on when it then proceeded to bloom way past its normal stopping time in mid-July. In fact, it bloomed continuously up until frost took it in late fall. I went in search of information about the nutrient content of human urine, but could find nothing in the literature. Finally I found something, in a book that quickly got on my list of Most-Important-Reading: THE INTEGRAL URBAN HOUSE by Olkowski et al. of the Farrallones Institute in California, published by Sierra Club Books. Here a chart states that urine contains, by dry weight: 15 to 19 percent nitrogen (far higher than any animal manure), 2.5 to 5 percent phosphorus, 3 to 4.5 percent potassium, and 4.5 to 6 percent calcium. No wonder the plants were responding so happily... "

Anna Edey, SOLVIVA

Na minha ânsia imparável por encontrar informações não só credíveis como, também, de fácil aplicação relacionadas com temas tais como, sustentabilidade e tudo o que possa estar relacionado com o conceito, deparei com o site acima mencionado.
Entusiasmadíssima, porque tenho um pequeno jardim com muitas plantas, porque cuido pessoalmente de todas elas e porque os fertilizantes estão muito caros, resolvi experimentar...
E fiquei espantada com o sucesso da experiência!...

Fervorosa adepta deste método de fertilização tópica (utilizado em cada planta, individualmente), tenho hesitado em o divulgar por viver e conhecer a cultura que é a nossa, com todos os preconceitos que lhe são subjacentes mas, porque urinar faz parte da nossa condição humana, porque há tabus que não têm qualquer justificação racional, em nome das nossas finanças domésticas, da sustentabilidade e preservação do Planeta venceu a vontade e noção, interiorizada, do dever de partilhar!
Foi em 2008 que descobri este artigo e foi em 2008 que o postei pela 1ª vez.

Nota: Importante salientar que a urina tem de ser dissolvida em água numa percentagem de 1:10.

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  Uma análise de conteúdo inteligente, clara e desmistificadora do que pode ter acontecido e, provavelmente, aconteceu.