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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Conflito. Mostrar todas as mensagens

Adar Cohen TED Talk, "How to Lead Tough Conversations"

1. Move toward the conflict;
2. You don´t know anything and, even if you do, pretend you don´t;
3. Keep quiet. Silence is okay

"Without conflict problems hide everywhere ...
Conflict is INFORMATION ...
And handled well, conflict is OPPORTUNITY!!!

"One conversation can change everything!"

"Conversations create the future,
Whether we have them and how we have them, it´s up to you!"

Brilhante discurso e que grande lição!!!
Grata ao orador.

"The TRUTH About Ngozi Fulani: Meghan Markle's ...", uma perspectiva a considerar

  Uma análise de conteúdo inteligente, clara e desmistificadora do que pode ter acontecido e, provavelmente, aconteceu.